
Experiencing "FPS" issues

Hey, I recently switched to Windows 10 from Arch Linux and for some reason I'm experiencing lag when scrolling through moves, and the whole site seems a bit slow. I tried turning off all my extensions and messing with my Firefox settings but it doesn't seem to help. I also tried turning off all background programs but that doesn't help either. Any help would be appreciated.
I installed the drivers already. It seems like the only thing that's lagging is the animation. My moves aren't delayed or anything.

EDIT: Also, it doesn't seem to be an issue when I turn the animations off.
I found the solution, I had to set "privacy.resistFingerprinting" to "false" in firefox's "about:config" - everything works smoothly now.
Is turning that to false any good? It's great that your piece animations are working fine now, but at the cost of privacy! :(
It's funny how "Use Chrome" is a response to "... at the cost of privacy".

About the original issue, yes, setting resistFingerprinting to true does slow down animations. I'm afraid Lichess cannot do a lot against that, because limiting animation framerate is just one of the things that resistFingerprinting does.

Something you could try though, is setting "Piece animation" to "None" in your Game display settings at . Haven't tried it out with resistFingerprinting myself, but it is a fair guess that animations cannot be choppy if there are no animations ;-)
Yeah, when you turn the piece animations off there's no lag, but I like the animations on so I guess I'll just set the resistFingerprinting to false whenever I play lichess.
Better yet, use ungoogled chromium. The only problem I have had witg it is not being able to play DRM protected content like Spotify, Netflix, etc.

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