
incorrect draw condition

timing out while your opponent doesn't have the pieces to win leads to a loss instead of a draw

Example: your opponent has a single bishop, you have 8 pawns. your time running out should result in a draw, but results in a loss instead
@mr_crowley8 said in #1:
> timing out while your opponent doesn't have the pieces to win leads to a loss instead of a draw
> Example: your opponent has a single bishop, you have 8 pawns. your time running out should result in a draw, but results in a loss instead

I know this is dumb but theoretically it's possible to mate if opponent have pawns and you have a bishop or knight.
Even with a single pawn you would lose. Opponent underpromotes to a knight, and checkmate is possible in the corner. That's just the FIDE rules in effect.

(And this has been discussed many times on the forums.)

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