
The Captcha's are too hard!!

Sometimes I cannot even solve the captcha's!
Lichess has got to think about this.
Sometimes the board is too small as well.
I guess its a good way of keeping uneducated people out of the forums. ( hasn't had too much luck with that.)

I messed up the captcha for this forum twice.
To the right of the CAPTCHA there is a link labelled "Help:" and starting with "".
If you are unable to solve the puzzle, you can click on the link (it will open in a new tab), and find the checkmate at the end of the game.
This works because the CAPTCHAs are taken from recent games that actually ended in checkmate, so the last move that is played in the game is checkmate and a solution.
the capcha I got to post this message was a scholars mate. So I messed it up.
Checkmate in one is pretty easy to do,so you have to solve it if you want to post in the forums.It is the only way more or less to get rid of robots who want to post here or anywhere else in the forum pages.

And the advantage is that it takes only 2 clicks for you to solve this unsolvable thing. :)
Is this a troll forum? If it isn't , then I don't really have a problem with the chess CAPTCHAs. They're pretty easy and it isn't that hard, even with the small board.

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