
Tell me the movie you're currently watching

When I was a kid, I did homework instead of wasting time watching movies.

And look where that got me! I can even afford Lichess!
@Noflaps said in #21:
> When I was a kid, I did homework instead of wasting time watching movies.
> And look where that got me! I can even afford Lichess!
Lichess is not for sale.
And where I live, homework doesn't exist.
Oh, I didn't say I was buying the company! I'm just a player!

And what a sad thing -- no homework? How do kids prepare for the "real world" where success usually requires plenty of work outside of 9-5? Indeed, even on weekends!
@LordSupremeChess Yup, Tubi is free-- I believe the whole thing is funded by their commercials. It's hit or miss in terms of finding good movies, but if you don't care about watching great movies (which, let's be honest, does not seem like a major concern judging by your playlist), it's a gold mine.

Pluto is also free.
Pluto? You mean the cartoon dog? You mean the planet-wannabe?
@clousems said in #24:
> @LordSupremeChess Yup, Tubi is free-- I believe the whole thing is funded by their commercials. It's hit or miss in terms of finding good movies, but if you don't care about watching great movies (which, let's be honest, does not seem like a major concern judging by your playlist), it's a gold mine.
> Pluto is also free.
Goddammit, how much have I been missing out on?
umm, by the picture you took with the movie's you're going to watch on youtube

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