
Time added by opponent rise warning to be banned

Why letting the time added by the opponent with no validation on my side should produce a warning of being banned for letting time run ?
The game is agreed on a fixed time structure, there is no reason to be forced the time given by opponent.
You could try disabling the option of "Give more time" in "Chess clock" in the settings.
I agree. This feature should be eliminated. It is not a courtesy but a ploy and particularly should not be allowed in rated games.
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@Dukedog said in #4:
> I agree. This feature should be eliminated. It is not a courtesy but a ploy and particularly should not be allowed in rated games.
But what if I am playing with my coach and need time?
@ChhedaRivan we don't question it for casual games (you wouldnt play a rated game with a coach, or a rated time odds game with a weaker friend)

@guisch said in #8:
> @Cedur216 I wrote the question just after the game but I can't find it either now. But @InkyDarkBird answered my problem.
> Thank you.

I asked because I wanted to see how you got a warning

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