
*Why is the Queen more powerful than the king?

In chess, the queen has mobility (the crucial barometer of power in the game) but less value, as the game can continue without her; the hobbled king is relatively powerless, but is the most valuable piece without whom the game ceases. Okay? Thats google for you. (Imagine 30 replies lol) Also, that piece set would be framed in my bathroom. I would just LOVE to stare at it while pooping. Amazing
The kings power isn't in that he goes out and kills things, his power is that he commands all the other chess pieces.
Because King Is 80 old years.Queen is 30 years old .King cant do something That queen can.I love Queen.
Just like housewives rule the house, similarly Queen rules the region/place instead of King!
@Black-Swan-22 said in #1:
> Why is the Queen more powerful than the king?
> -----
Queens not more powerful then King , King just controls the whole pieces that means pawns,Queen,Rooks,Pawns,Knights , Bishops It is like it’s the Mind and everyone is controlled by him.He is most powerful piece
Is it?
As far as i know, she is expendable, like any other piece, except the king. And she is forced to sacrificed for him.

You see, the king has to rule the kingdom so he cant move too far, so the queen is the king's most trusted vassal, she needs a lot of mobility to do the tasks ordered by the king. including venturing far inside enemy territory.

She is not "more powerful" than any other piece of the board. She can only capture 1 piece per turn, just lke any other. She is only more mobile.

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