
People creating or accepting challenge then never move.

I'm new to lichess and about 80% of games I create or challenges I accept under the corespondence tab the opponent never makes first move. 1. Why would someone do that? 2. Is this a common problem on lichess or am I doing something wrong? 3. What is best way to get these abandoned games out of my que so it doesn't look like I aborted them?
Well your opponents probably forgor the game existed and did not move.
or they don't like that you have no ratings and your strength can't be estimated.
1. No idea, but probably he got too much on his side.
2.if it's 80% of your games, you're not doing anything wrong.
3. Well... you can... hope for the best.
@InkyDarkBird said in #2:
> Well your opponents probably forgor the game existed and did not move.

As a person who left the website quite a few times I can confirm (And I'm sorry about that) that I forgot about my correspondence.

It's something completely normal for someone to forget correspondence games, especially when that type of games are played by people who are really busy and might not be able to play for a few days straight.
@Cedur216 said in #3:
> or they don't like that you have no ratings and your strength can't be estimated.
Why should ratigs matter im talking mostly about casual. And as for ratings I started at 1500 and have only really only played 2 rated games one of which I won on time, now I'm 1800 plus. I am not a 1500 little on 1800. At best and I mean between 9 am and 3pm with no alcohol im maybe 1400
@TheMrMack said in #6:
> Why should ratigs matter im talking mostly about casual

It's not about it being casual or rated. It's about wanting to play the game.

Imagine they like to play people around their level. Or a bit over their level to feel challenged.
Not saying that's the case for everybody, but it's a common scenario.

You usually play for fun and to learn. If you play against someone much stronger or much weaker you may not get either one.
@pepellou said in #7:
> It's not about it being casual or rated. It's about wanting to play the game.
> Imagine they like to play people around their level. Or a bit over their level to feel challenged.
> Not saying that's the case for everybody, but it's a common scenario.
> You usually play for fun and to learn. If you play against someone much stronger or much weaker you may not get either one.
You set the rating range you want when you create a challenge and you see the rating of the person issuing the challenge whenever you choose one from the corespondence lobby so I don't think it has anything to do with my rating
@TheMrMack said in #8:
> I don't think it has anything to do with my rating

I think it does.
As #3 pointed out, you have no ratings, so they can't know your real strength.
Because you have no ratings you'll fall under any rating filter that matches 1500.
@pepellou said in #9:
> I think it does.
> As #3 pointed out, you have no ratings, so they can't know your real strength.
> Because you have no ratings you'll fall under any rating filter that matches 1500.
Is that what the question mark means? (That I haven't a rating) . If so most of the challenges I've picked off the corespondence lobby are from people with "?"s also.

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