
[SUGGESTION] What to do when player loses connection?

I can say that I am pretty angry about the resign for the other player option when they lose connection. Why is it even a thing? It'd be much better if that was not an option at all as it's not helpful. It can happen that I like my position and then lose connection and my opponent resigns for me! Can this please be removed? So what if they have to wait additional 5-10 mins, they can just keep their tab open for the game and do whatever they want, Lichess will notify them if they make a move!
There are also players, who would wait for the last second to make a move in the losing position, hoping that you forget about your game or would not wait all the time in the tab.
I lost few blitz games like that, so I think it is a reasonable feature.
It is better than doing nothing and waiting till ALL player's time runs out
@LevStolpner It's also more unfair! Do people IRL have the option to auto-resign for their opponent if they go to the bathroom or somewhere else in a classical time control game?
Do you lose connection when you go to the bathroom?
It is a different case then.
So unfair. Who would even do such a terrible thing as claim a victory...

I usually wait 2-3 minutes for them before I claim victory (10+0 minute games). Or just 15 seconds if they just blundered and probably rage-closed the tab. I think there should be a 1 minute buffer before you can claim victory.
@DoTheMath There are 3 times when I claim victory: When I think I am in a winning position, if it's a casual game or if they don' reconnect in around 2 mins.
#8 That's very specific. Pretty different from "unfair, don't do it!"

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