
Fake Account/Accounts Users

Many users in Lichess are using "fake" accounts, and this should be prevented.. I was defeated by more than 50 fake accounts and even though I report all of them as "fake accounts", my points are not refunded and the accounts are not banned! This is not fair! I want justice! I want an end to fake accounts!
What do you mean by "fake accounts". Most accounts i encounter are made out of bones and flesh, just like you and me are.
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I don't find it fair that the real account has 2000+ points and the fake account has 1700 points!
@QEDemonstrandum said in #2:
> What do you mean by "fake accounts". Most accounts i encounter are made out of bones and flesh, just like you and me are.
Fake accounts are 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.... accounts
You are talking about alt accounts. How do you know they are alt accounts?
Why does it matter whom you're playing with- Main or Alt accounts? You wanted to play and thus, you were paired.

Winning or losing is decided by your performance. Think: If you had won against those Alt accounts, would you have still reported them?

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