
Am I timed out?

Here I am again, feels like in every forum I make it's pointed out a negative but I guess it's easier to do that. Probably can't do much to fix this but, am I timed out? I seeked a challenge about an hour ago yet no one accepted. I've been doing other things in another tab while I wait but no one accepted. I made it a G/30+30 time control and open to 2100+ players only which I know already considerably limits the amount of players that actually find my challenge but I want to play someone near my level.

One bug that I found whilst waiting is, at least when your in another tab, you challenge automatically gets cancelled after 15 minutes or so of waiting.

If I am timed out, I assume it's because I didn't make a move in many of my games on the first move. But that's because I've been waiting for like nearly an hour and I forget about it. I just want to know if I've actually been timed out, and fix that bug if you can because, as someone who has no programming experience, it doesn't seem too hard to fix.
@ChEsSmAgEdDoN Yes, but you can join multiple leagues, if you play the 4545 league, lonewolf and the Series you already have 3 games per week. Also you can simply ask the members if they want to play some games, it has a rather big player base so it shouldn't be too hard to schedule some games.
@ChEsSmAgEdDoN I don't think that would work well, if you register on their site you get added to their Slack where most of the people are hanging out.

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