
The board is missing

This happens to me often and I end up aborting many games. Then I receive warnings from Lichess followed by temporary ban. It feels awful.
@Vivek-T said in #13:
> This happens to me often and I end up aborting many games. Then I receive warnings from Lichess followed by temporary ban. It feels awful.

Respond to #13: If you’ve been having that problem lately, play ZERO bullet games so you can have time to: close the tab>reopen the game.
#14 I like playing bullet. A solution will be to address the issue and fix the bug rather than giving up on doing what you like to do.
@Vivek-T said in #15:
> #14 I like playing bullet. A solution will be to address the issue and fix the bug rather than giving up on doing what you like to do.
If only fixing browser rendering bug were that easy.
Well that is a browser bug , if using chrome it will happen just change your browser
<Comment deleted by user>
When I play Ub in my mothers phone i cant see my board then after the game I Will play rematch at that time also My board is not visible

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