
"Wild" New Year

What is the "wildest" thing you've been through, that can be told in this public forum, on the night of celebrations for the new year?
I went to celebrate in a Latino neighborhood and I ended up dancing Salsa music. It was really wild!
Ha ha ha, a few years ago I spent New Year's Eve watching hockey game recaps. Can I rate this as wild?
Once, on the night of the New Year's Eve, I ate a lot. The reason: several relatives came to visit us, and they all brought food!
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I spent a New Year's night in a poor neighborhood, as part of a program to help the most needy people. It was amazing to see how happy people were with so little.
It wasn't the wildest, but last night was a little crazy. (We were outside with a fire and corn-hole set up. And a "party shed" equipped with a fridge for our beverages and .....some other activities. I'm a decade clean "other" activities for me, if you know what I mean.)

A friend I haven't seen in almost a year showed up using a walker to walk and get around. He has ms and has been trying to keep it a secret.

I drank too much. We all drank too much.

Cousine-in-law Jerome had an "early start". He showed up to the party and sang his heart out to karaoke. At some point, he stood up and started to walk off into the darkness but took a detur into a bunch of bamboo. He fell down face-first into the bamboo. You had to be there to understand how funny this was---he was laid down in bamboo for about 2 minutes. No one tried to help him out; everyone was laughing. He was too inebriated to get himself out. When I realized this I felt bad and helped him out. I stood him up and said, "I've got ya man! I got ya!" Then he looked around at everyone and said, "I'm just getting started! This is just the first time that I fell!" (He said a bunch of other stuff too but it's too much for the kiddos.)

I sang some karaoke with Mrs. Mudd. You'll never see the video. I might post a little something from Jerome though, later.
@RG2007 said in #6:
I usually do a lot of volunteer work around the Christmas holidays (and some other times during the year). But I haven't done anything around New Years. That's a good idea. The best idea actually.
I have been doing volunteer work since my youth. Once, on New Year's Eve, I was in Africa. It was beautiful to see those families come together to hug each other and sing. They were poor people, very poor! But their hearts were full of riches.
One lady that came to our NYE party had her twin sons drive her their. They were her DDs. They didn't want to do it so she bribed them by buying them a bottle of vodka. Only one of them came back to pick her up (because the other one was "not in good shape".)

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