
2022 RK Olympiad match times & results

Hey everyone!

Please read this forum post from TheUsualDumbKid before proceeding:

Now that registrations are over, it's time for the first round pairings to start!
All registered teams can be found here:

Starting from this round, all pairings can be found in the Challonge bracket:

If you see this post, please go check in Challonge which team you are facing this week, and then check on the registration page who is playing on their boards. As always, in a match between two teams: Board 1 plays against Board 1, Board 2 vs Board 2 and Board 3 faces Board 3.

Don't hesitate to contact me or one of the other organisers if you have any further questions regarding the Olympiad, or in case you are having trouble scheduling your match.

Best of luck to all participants!
Hi Everyone!

There has been a bit of confusion pertaining to two teams resulting in one of those teams to drop out. The new amount of teams is 12, meaning every team plays another team every round. That means there's no bye rounds for teams.

The updated match is between RK Open 2 and RK Open 3. I will contact all 6 players about the update and whom they have to play.

****NOTE: Please change your settings to allow new messages so it will be easier for match negotiations. The organizers may also need to contact you during this event. Thank you!****
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