
Advent Calendar of Lichess

Niklas on the 6. December. Nice. He does a good job bringing the Stockfish engine to the webbrowser
An advent calendar with a completely different design.
A really nice idea!
Hi! I think this is really awesome and I love lichess! I would just like to remind you that this year advent is 27 days long. In the intro you say "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for the 25 days of advent" so could you please update this to "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for 25 days of the 27 days advent." or "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for 25 days of the four weeks of advent."

Thank you again for all the work that you do!
@CRAB_IS_THE_BEST said in #27:
> Hi! I think this is really awesome and I love lichess! I would just like to remind you that this year advent is 27 days long. In the intro you say "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for the 25 days of advent" so could you please update this to "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for 25 days of the 27 days advent." or "Introducing a different Lichess contributor each day for 25 days of the four weeks of advent."
> Thank you again for all the work that you do!

Technically true but very commonly just the 25 days leading to Christmas are used (see - chocolate advent calendars that are sold in shops). This is much more of a secular celebration than specifically the religious advent schedule.