
Repertoire Creator

A repertoire creator would be a pretty cool feature to add under tools. You could create your own repertoire tree using the analysis board and then train it using spaced repetition or random lines. Similar to ChessTempo.
I can only whole heartedly support this.

I'm thinking about creating one myself. I have many ingredients in place, just have to put it together.

I need this because in bullet I'm simply frozen. What preparation I can recall in a normal game, I simply can't in bullet. Theory moves have to be made automatic and such a tool would be a great assistance. This is especially important in my variant, because making a less than perfect opening move is a question of life and death unlike in standard chess where you can get away with common sense moves in the opening and try to do something in the middle game or the endgame.
I have a rough shot at training in my app. The example will be atomic, because I play atomic and need training for atomic.


Click the analysis tab. You should see something like this:

Circled in red are two weights. The first says, when I'm white, require me playing 1. Nf3 with weight 9. When I'm black, play 1. Nf3 against me with weight 5.

Now click the Train tab and choose "Train white":

Make the move 1. h3. You will get a warning, because this is not a good move.

Now make the move 1. Nf3. This is a good move, so the trainer will respond to it and play 1.. f6.

You can now continue with 2. e3 and so on. You are being trained.

This is semi-public, because you can only train against my own theory, but you cannot set your own theory, since setting theory requires the position to be analyzed, analysis is going on the remote server, there is only one engine instance, so I cannot allow non admin users to perform engine analysis.
This is really cool. I might dabble a bit more in atomic with something like this to help. Only problem I have is I can't figure out how to go back a move, the back arrow doesn't do anything for me.
The arrows are for game control. So you have to go to the Games tab, and click on the ID of a game to load it. Then you can use the arrows to navigate the game.

The board itself has only a move stack, so to take back a move, you need "Del", or to take back all moves in the move stack "Delall". To clear all moves in the move stack without changing the position use "Clearall".

All game navigation controls always clear the move stack.

To analyze your own games, go to Config, type in your username:

It is important to press Enter after typing, so the yellow input field changes back to normal, meaning your input was accepted.

Then press Serialize, to store your config. After a little while your games will be loaded in the Games tab:

In red are indicated your lost games, alerting you to analyze them.

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