
50 tactic download

Love this feature that I can now do Training (puzzles) offline. I bring my tablet & do them between rides while I'm driving Uber and will use this feature next time I fly.

One thing I noticed though is sometimes you don't really get 50 of them, it'll go from 50 to 46 to 43 to 38 etc. so you get more like 15.

Just reporting my experience. Love the new feature generally. Thanks!
Maybe there's a variety of skill levels and if you get them right it'll give you the next hardest one but if you get one wrong you get an easier one?
I find the same thing. I don't really understand what's going on there.

Actually, I find that even when I'm connected to the internet the problems on the app seem not to affect my rating, and seem suspiciously familiar (as if it's just throwing old problems at me). I'm considering filing a bug report, but I understand the app tactics trainer has a few other bugs which haven't yet been sorted.
Any staff have comments on this?
You get the same puzzles if you previously fail them. That's by design. And you don't get points for getting them right subsequently.

And yes, a few bugs in the puzzles. I have to keep clearing data, logging in and setting my preferences several times a day if I move between devices because it doesn't sync my puzzle progress otherwise and I tend end up with different scores/history/puzzles on each of them.
@Doofenshmirtz: Yes, but it shouldn't be giving me old problems every single problem, it should mix them in with unseen problems. This doesn't happen when I train tactics in-browser on my computer, just on the app on my phone.
@biscuitfiend My understanding is that every 3rd or 4th one might be an old one. But I believe you if you say that's what's happening because puzzles seem to be an unloved part of the app.

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