
More fine-grained lobby filter

Currently its possible to filter searches in the lobby by:
-selecting the variants you want to see
-selecting the time control you want to allow
-select if pairings should be rated/unrated
-selecting a range of strength

While this certainly is a nice feature (otherwise the 30+ searches at almost every time will clutter the lobby) in my opinion its not really enough. Why? There are several reasons:
-In different variants you have different ratings and so you would probably (at least I want to) set the range specifically for a variant
-In terms of time control it would be nice to have another option, namely increment. For example I'd like to filter out increment if I want to play bullet
-This is probably either known or quite unimportant but why is the range stopping at 2900?
-The last thing I noticed is that I maybe want to combine multiple filter options. For example I'd like to see offers with increment only but if there would be someone with a rating higher than a certain threshold I would like to see that challenge regardless

In the end you can do all that by selecting all variants at a larger range and the manually look out for the challenges you're interested in. I do understand it. But on the other hand it would be way more user friendly.
-In terms of time control it would be nice to have another option, namely increment. For example I'd like to filter out increment if I want to play bullet

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