
Pasting a PGN with multiple games into a Study skips a chapter

When creating a study or adding chapters, there is an option to create chapters from a PGN file which is very nice. However, if the PNG contains multiple games (events), the automatic chapter generation skips one chapter.

For example, if I create a new study and paste a PGN with three games, the chapters will be 1, 3 and 4 (chapter 2 has been skipped). If I am starting from chapter 2, chapter 3 will be skipped, etc.

This issue doesn't manifest itself if I add one chapter at a time (or paste PGNs with exactly one game).
I was hoping to have chapter numbering that matches the rounds in the PGN (i.e. "round 5" will be "chapter 5") but because of this bug, it doesn't appear to be possible.

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