
Longer blocked list

I generally ignore all draw requests and chat massages in bullet games. The goal of these games is avoid getting flagged. You cannot waste my time and you are not suitable for playing bullet. So the best way to solve your block list problem is closing your account here and go play in chess com Become a diamond member and play only other diamond members. You are not going to face any cheaters, sandbaggers, or jerks there. Wesley So confirms that. You have to put up with some bad people when you play in any free website. Plus I am sure in you can block as many people as you want but you might have to pay extra storage fees for every new 500 players list.
If people are annoying you, you can always change your privacy settings. Also sandbaggers can and should be reported. They'll be banned so you don't have to use a block spot on them.
awesome . I've had an inkling this would be coming up. I've seen some u2000/u1700 tourneys where someone berserks 100 percent and wins all of em. If you can do that your in the wrong rating group. Sandbagging as i understand it is very difficult to detect , whose to say someone was having an exceptional day. I know I get up to about 1900 and get shot down below 1800 only to climb it back again.
Such person might have been sick, drunk, high, tired, not fully awake etc and play badly. Then this person starts to feel better and play much stronger. Everyone has good and bad days.
@Darksouls No, one can do that and be in the right rating group. Imagine a 1900 player in a U2000 Rapid tourney. He'll most likely berserk and win all games and it I the true rating of him.
@savagechess2k sorry let me clarify i meant someone like between 17-1800 just wiping everyone off the board in berserk mode.. It really doesn't matter anyway since its usually blitz but id figure there is definatly some sandbagging going on maybe not all the time but sometimes i really think that some 2200+ makes a new account and gets into the 17-1800 range and just knocks 1900's down but then will lose some game with a 15-1600 player.
Sandbagging happens in over the board tournaments. Some players cannot win anything in top section of serious tournaments. So they lose intentionally many rated over the board games where no prize money is available. Then, in a tournament where high prize money is in stake, they play in a lower section, win all the games and get a nice payout. Then they lose more tournaments without prize money to reduce their rating to be eligible to play in lower section when the next tournament with good prize money takes place.
I don't think I have done anything so bad that would make a normal person block me. I just ignored his draw offer and played on in a dead drawn position, trying to win on time in a bullet game. There is nothing wrong with this. Lots of people do this. No matter how long is the limit of block list, @Mopman will reach it very fast.

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