
Please make the new chessboard size correctly.

@Doofenshmirtz PS: Also, I should have thought it's obvious I was referring to the landscape orientation (space to either side; Q.E.D.). You're seriously saying you have no space on the side in portrait mode? Well, duh! But in that case, make it space to the top & bottom. :)

Again, I'm only saying the board should be full size & centered (whether horizontally or vertically), by default. I agree people should be able to resize and/or reposition it if they want to, in a variety of ways as you observe; but, _by default,_ I vote it should be full size & centered, is all I was saying.

@Royal-Spork The subject of this thread is "Please make the new chessboard size correctly" implying neither app nor site. The Android app was updated a month or so back. One thing I'm not clear about is why you believe that the fact a phone might have 16:9 aspect ratio (I'm guessing that's what you meant by 16x9) means there's enough space for anything on either side of the board. On a phone you're likely to want the board to be as large as it can on the X axis and use space above and below the board for moves, controls etc.
@Doofenshmirtz "New" = Lichess v2 = site. . . .

As for the ratio, I specifically said my move list, which appears on the right side of my screen, is wider than the chatbox on the left side; and that most of that width is empty space between the two columns (for White's moves / Black's). Therefore, I suggested making the lefthand box the same size as the righthand one, so the board would be centered between them. I figure there could be less space between White's & Black's moves, and more space for the chatbox. *shrug*

Then, since someone else complained about having to fiddle with the board's resizing handle at the beginning of every game, I said, for what it's worth, I think it should default to being as big as possible.

These were my only two comments; they were (I thought, and still think) fully self explanatory, and I stand by everything I said. You are straining at gnats to pick an argument where there is none to be had. Please have a nice day, now.
I've had the problem a few time of the board resizing mid game by accident -- this happens even if I have the preferences set to (only adjustable at the start of game.) .

The board has resized mid-game for me many times.. and you can't even resize it back. It is very frustrating. There are too many flaws with lichess v2. I wish i could go back in time....

Hell, I would pay for the original lichess version 1.
Old chessboard was total square and each 64 areas (a1 - h8) were identical squares.

But new chessboard is rectangle and each 64 areas (a1 - h8) are not identical. Some areas are rectangles so bug edges appear around highlighted piece.
That bug was fixed (or rather worked around as it is a bug in Chrome on Windows, not Lichess), but only if zoom is at 100%.
I use desktop Firefox and the bug still appears at zoom 100%.

If "a1" is 50px * 50px, "b1" should be 50px * 50px. But "b1" is 49px * 50px that is 1px narrower than "a1". All of the 64s (a1 - h8) are inconsistent size.

Can Lichess fix the chessboard size problem?

Where do you see these 50px and 49px? Can we see a screenshot of these measurements?

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