
what are you goals in chess?

@MrPushwood said in #3:
> Whenever your goal involves hanging out in a park, you should probably rethink it.

Well, they have good Italian ice so its okay.
to play at a master level strength... be consistent... and learn . I may never reach that level of play but i still think its something that is more doable every time i practice.
@dooeyDecimal said in #12:
> to play at a master level strength... be consistent... and learn . I may never reach that level of play but i still think its something that is more doable every time i practice.
well you just got to keep practicing and I'm sure you will get there as I am trying to get to level 7 of the computer to at least stand a chance against higher rated people like Anna Cramling
@Shadow1414 said in #2:
> ATM: 2300 Bullet, 2300 Rapid, and 2100 Classical, all on Lichess.
well If I were you I would stay away from bullet and stick to Blitz and Rapid but let's hope that you can get there on those points of chess and if you don't get there then just be careful with who you play because some people are just good but not caring people well some of them.
I enjoy playing games on here, but to be honest a long term drive for chess for me is not that important.

I used to have more goals in the past when I played tournaments, leagues, all in OTB chess, playing for prizes etc. Playing online is more like playing a video game - can turn it off, and on, without really being all that bothered.

If my rating improved by 200 on here so what? I still enjoy games, but am not really bothered to have goals.
ps. just realised this was posted in the Off-topic forum,

But as it's posted about chess might be better moved to General Chess...
I came back after 30+ years away from the game with the intention of getting a FIDE rating. When I was playing, the lower limit was 2200, and where I was living it was nearly impossible to have FIDE rated tournaments. When they dropped it to 2000, I considered coming back, but just didn't. Now - after watching the Queen's Gambit - the temptation has overcome me.

My goal is to be an FM. Not 100% realistic, but it's my goal.
@XaviCrow what is so good about a title? And just btw, your lichess rating is good, no doubt, but would that be enough to get fm? Honestly, I have no clue what Rating a FM has to have? Maybe you can give me some information about that. Thank you.

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