
voice msg on private chats

@BlackElite345 said in #30:
> OH,hold on,voice msg?(I tought voice chat,ups)
> You speak and the msg writes by himself?
> You can download apps for that
Im wrong again, its VOICE MSG,you speak and you sent the message,your friend hears your voice
@BlackElite345 said in #31:
> Im wrong again, its VOICE MSG,you speak and you sent the message,your friend hears your voice
Even that way,you can do this:@BlackElite345 said in #24:

> (Maybe you can gave your number to your friend,and talk on Whatsapp)
There is Discord for voice chatting. I already think the voice chat feature in studies is unnecessary. This would be even more unnecessary.
@thibault said in #2:
> This ain't whatsapp my friend
We could do something like if both players accept the voice chat then there can be voice chat?
It would be nice if there was a voicemail feature. But what will you do with this feature? Are you going to talk to a Syrian?
I think that lichess should be only playing on the board because if everyone voice-mailed then:

1.) You might get threats

2.) You might get cyber-bullied

And, why would you even want to chat?
Like Thibault said," This ain't whatsapp my friend. "
@PedamalluSriharsha said in #5:
> I think voice chat is not needed as lichess is for playing chess and not chatting....
> This is my point of view...
I agree because lichess is for playing chess not chatting(in general)
Lol people are still in voice chat. I was thinking on video chat on lichess

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