
Bring back 15+15 Classical!


Yeah... I'm sure that everyone who plays 15+15 on a regular basis is shocked to see these new presets. And I totally agree: switching to a different rating category is no solution, especially not if you've been working hard on a high classical rating.
Bring back 15+15 classical pleaaaas i also have reached the level 2000 i don't wanna start at 1300?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is really sad. I tried matching 15:15 earlier - nobody came. It looks like I will be forced to ditch classical games now, 30:0 - no increment is not an option and the other one is just way too long.
I've played 15:10 now and it's a bit too fast for me. 15:15 was pretty much the most balanced time frame..
Please bring it back instead of that redundant 30:0..
I almost exclusivly played 15:15 for a couple of years now and it was the best. 30:0 has the same time for an average 60 game, however I truly dislike the endgame-scramble! It's very similar to 15:10.

Please bring back 15:15!!
+1 30m is too long to play chess online. If 15+15 doesn't come back, I'll never want to play in classical rules.
15+15 and 30+0 are very similar in terms of total game length. But 30+0 really screws up the endgames.
For reference (for those who aren't fully aware of this):

Effective game time (egt) = { time in minutes } + 2/3 * { increment in seconds }

Bullet: egt < 3
Blitz: egt >= 3 and egt < 8
Rapid: egt >= 8 and egt < 25
Classical: egt >= 25

There are two interesting things to note here:

1) There doesn't appear to be a rapid preset on the lower end of the rapid spectrum. (That would be 8+0 or 6+3.) It might make sense to define rapid as egt >= 10 and egt < 25 instead.
2) There is a huge gap between the lower end of classical (25+0, 15+15) and the new 30+20 time control. So maybe it would be good to have a new rating category for 'really long games'. I know I would definitely be interested in 30+20 and slower, but I wouldn't want to have it in the same category as egt >= 25. This means I will probably *not* be playing 30+20 while it is in the same category as 15+15.

My 2 cents.

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