
Studies bug and downtime

#41 It was from 6 to 10AM UTC, you need to convert it to your local timezone.
¡Lichess es lo más grande que le ha pasado al ajedrez online en el último tiempo! Entrega herramientas para profesores que en otros sitios tienen un gran costo y además no funcionan tan bien.

¡Sigan así!
Imagine offering a service without asking for anything in return and then feeling the need to apologize for a minor inconvenience. This is an amazing site.
I was adding members to my studies today and suddenly when I select member and press enter nothing happens. Can you look into that?
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Hope no one lost huge progress in studies :)

I'm thankful to lichess for not charging me money to have access to games that were played before 2019 :D

But these things happen, it's fine.

Keep up the good work!

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