
Can not play ratings limited tournaments

I have not played in many months and I do have rapid rating. All of the rating limited tournaments are unavailable due to rating not less than ANY for last week.
Your rating must not be provisional in order to join those rating restricted tournaments.
My rapid rating is not provisional. The tournaments were rapid.
your rapid rating has a deviation of 126.95. like others have said above, it is indeed provisional.
Rating becomes provisional after a long time of inactivity, which means that yours is. I was in the same boat a short while ago, as I hadn't played for months, and went back to provisional status. The only way to change that is to play a bunch of rated games and then start joining tournaments again
Ok. I hadn't considered that it was possible to be returned to provisional. To me it does not make sense.
On FICS it's quite similar except instead of "provisional" they call such a rating "estimated".

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