
Puzzles should have a "Confirm Move?" option

Sometimes, puzzles can be annoying. Especially if you get a long string of losses. However, puzzles are meant to learn from.
The thing is, it's difficult to learn from your mistakes if those mistakes just happen to be misclicks.
As of the time of this post, I have lost almost 200 points to misclicks. Granted, I've been playing on the "easy" rating, but that still doesn't take away the annoyance of it.
Puzzles should have a "Confirm Move?" option like Correspondence games have. It allows you to analyze your move as you can more accurately see the piece's position on the board.
Another feature to add is the "Flip board" option like in real games. Once again, I have used that feature to analyze my moves and avoid mistakes. This won't solve all the misclick issues as sometimes you can get into a rhythm and just stop thinking which I have done a few times, but it's a good start.
@WIllyboy1942 said in #1:
> Another feature to add is the "Flip board" option like in real games.
I don't know about the app, but this exists in the browser version. The button is just below the "easy" selector. Or, use the f shortcut.
@WIllyboy1942 said in #1:
> As of the time of this post, I have lost almost 200 points to misclicks

No, seriously, how do you do it?

Your puzzle rating went from 1492 to 600 in the last 24h. Tell me it's not on purpose.
That was totally intentionally. For whatever reason I decided to drop my puzzle rating to 600
@WIllyboy1942 said in #1:
> Sometimes, puzzles can be annoying. Especially if you get a long string of losses. However, puzzles are meant to learn from.
> The thing is, it's difficult to learn from your mistakes if those mistakes just happen to be misclicks.

I think you've missed the point. When presented with a puzzle, you study it until you decide on a solution. This is where most of the learning takes place. Only then, do you click to present your solution to lichess for evaluation. If you failed the puzzle, you are shown something else to learn. A misclick doesn't block either of these opportunities. It will impede your rating from being accurate, but you don't seem to care about that part.
@WIllyboy1942 said in #4:
> That was totally intentionally. For whatever reason I decided to drop my puzzle rating to 600

that's a great way of making yourself popular around here. destroying tactics ratings for everyone by sandbagging. why? oh, for whatever reason.

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