
BUG: Screen shakes when watching other's games in full screen

tried it in Safari (Mac) and on Brave browser. when in full screen, watching other people games will result in constant shaking of the screen. No problem for own games in either browser.
otherwise, absolutely awesome platform to play -- THANK YOU!
@MeanGrandma said in #1:
> tried it in Safari (Mac) and on Brave browser. when in full screen, watching other people games will result in constant shaking of the screen. No problem for own games in either browser.

I can't reproduce this. I assume the "shaking" you're seeing is happening when a new move comes in. Is that what you're seeing? Your answer will help track this further. Maybe your browser is resizing a page element and this is affecting layout somehow.
no, it shakes all the time, not just when new moves come. interestingly I just realized that watching some games in full screen doesn't cause the shaking. for instance, looking at games under Watch menu doesn't end up shaking my screen. so far I am seeing it occur only when I go to a game directly (via posting a url to a game for example)
Hmmm it is rock steady for me. I'm on Monterey with the latest safari. Are you running any extensions?
no extensions, Monterey OS too. I noticed these issues before, so not the first time, not an oddity. I can share screen recording if that can help.

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