
I can't log in to lichess :(

Hi guys, so I have been trying to log in to lichess from my home laptop which I normally use for lichess, but it just brings me back to the home page of lichess. However, lichess works for me on the school wifi (where I am now). Could someone help explain why this happens? Thanks
This happened a lot to me, but it stopped after I disabled my proxy.
A very insightful comment from Zynko. A fair few cheaters are VERY persistent and constantly create accounts to continue cheating on proxies after their home IPs are banned for multiple violations of the rules.

This means that a lot of proxy servers around the world have been banned. Sadly, it could also mean that a home user with a dynamic IP (or another cheater in the house!) could have their IP banned.

An IP ban does not disable playing on lichess entirely, it still allows you to play anonymously (without signing in) and read the forum and all other functions open to anonymous players.
Probably has something to do with the fact that the accounts that you're associated with were cheating, such as this one that you so nobly boosted the rating of. @ashleyy6
Wow, it wasn't the only one either. Our friend here made over 150 (!) accounts to boost their rating in their network of cheater accounts with.

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