
Post your favourite OverSimplified moments here.

"Why you're in France my boy, here we come up with wacky new ways of running a country, Liberty egality and fraternity."

"Welcome to the United Kingdom here we invented the train."

"You're in a German factory my friend, here we harness fire and coal to create all these sexy lederhosen."

"You're in "Post your favorite OverSimplified moments here"."
"Have i gone back in time?"
"No, this is just how it is."
"Are you a farmer?"
"No, technically useless forums own me, which makes me a spammer."
"I'm scared."
"You should be, because the mods haven't eaten in four days and they cant wait to delete another forum."
send the e1 king to d6 asap bishop 190 , your pawns want you to stop being a coward
aw thats nice , but m not as green as im cabbage looking

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