
Forum topics are closed/deleted without any reason

1. My forum topics at "off-topic forum" are deleted without any reason
2. I created a forum topic "Forum topics closed" and explained this situation; but it is deleted too. Without any trace.

If you guys begin to act like FICS admins, go on.
Are you adding to the pile or trying to make a point, and if the latter, what is it ?
Is there something about this off-topic forum that says topics are born free and equal and will all get archived into posterity ?
From the glimpse of these threads that I saw, what you describe looks more like clean-up than censorship to me.
Off topic is generally more laxed than other parts of the forums, but there will always be that one mod that overdoes it.
@lecw We're just having fun there time to time, without insulting anyone, using bad words or spamming. In the Offtopic Forum there are many little silly topics (forum games etc) which people can post even to practice their English. Actually I think they have some function. I didn't know I needed to please your tastes to be able to write in the forum, or not having my posts deleted without any feedback.

Apparently some little boys get sensitive for no reason at all and create fuss by sending complaints or whatever and then lazy mods just act on their demand.

Btw my previous "Forum topics closed" post was in Lichess Feedback forum. It was about two lines long. I just asked what is the reason. But it's simply deleted.
This seems like a continuation of the "Am I banned" series.
I'm going to sue you
I also wonder why that "Iran is the best country in the world " thread was closed after post #1.
I wanted to thank you for the invitation to visit the country and for bringing to our attention that Iran is perfectly safe country for tourists (although Zahra Kazemi might have disagreed, if she was alive of course).

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