
This is a draw 100%


As black ran out of time, we see if there is a legal sequence of moves that leads to white checkmating black.
As there is one such sequence, white can win and therefore wins on time.

The mating position might look like this:
White: Kh3, Ng3
Black: Kh1, Bg1
You should have sacrificed your pieces to make it draw.( Your bishop and pawn).
For any human, your position is a draw, but if black (in this case, you) plays the absolute worst possible moves then white can reach this position:

This looks like a position no human will allow, but at the same time, it's not impossible.
FIDE Laws of Chess, Article 9.6 "The game is drawn when a position is reached from which a checkmate cannot occur by
any possible series of legal moves". It is 100% draw in practice, but in theory white can mate black with a legal move sequence.
Ahhh I didn't see the Kh3 Ng3 Bg1 Kh1 setup.

But to be fair, I was too pissed off to even consider it lol.

Thank you
Even without the pawn it would not be a draw from insufficient material
Just had some of the same - on what planet can white check mate me? :)

@Cryton If black plays the absolute worst moves, he could make this position:

or this,

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