
Search by Opening

Chess Insight is amazing, I love the feature. But I do want to review some of the games I played, and looking through the insights help me work on understanding my current plays. Is there no way to search for games you played and sort by that kind of opening? if not, then I feel like that would be a good addition to the game history on the profile.

I can probably guess that the reason its not implemented is that it might be a bit tedious/take up valuable storage.. unless its something different?
Here's what I do: Download games in bulk and use third-party software to sort them. I use Hiarcs... It's old and I paid $50 for it like 10 years ago. But I use it and it works for the kind of sorting I like to do. There's also a lot of good open-source software (and probably some of them are a lot more up-to-date) you can use for this also! Good luck.

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