
Accurate dates are no longer available for past games/statistics, why is this?

For the last few days, I've noticed that when you click on a game, the exact date of the game (like "04/08/2017") is no longer available. Instead, it says something like "1 year ago", which is not very useful at all.

Similarly, if you go on your statistics page to find, for example, when your longest winning streak occurred, it now just says something like "1 year ago to 1 year ago", whereas before it would have said something like "13/05/2016 to 14/05/2016".

Any idea why this happened? Did it happen by mistake? I've never seen lichess intentionally doing something like this before.
You can hover over "1 year ago" (e.g.) for the exact date, including time. That "1 year ago to 1 year ago" thing, while technically correct, does looks odd, but it's likely unintended and just a minor bug.

I don't really mind the way it is now. It's a bit more intuitive, as exact day and even month eventually diminishes in importance.

But again, should you have any use for it, checking the exact date is as easy as hovering over, or alternatively, checking the PGN.

It's still much more awkward, and the mouseover trick can't be used on a tablet computer of course, but at least I know that there is still a way of finding out the date now. Even if it is very awkward.

I just hope that lichess gives us the option of switching back to the old system.

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