
Why Every Chess Player Should Vote For Donald Trump!!

I don't know who Ben Finegold is (I personally prefer quotes from Bobby Fischer!!!). I'm guessing he's not a prosecutor of Israeli war criminals in the Palestinian conflict.....but never mind.

Are you accusing some people or me of having multiple accounts on lichess and then using those accounts to make statements for the purpose of responding sometimes belligerently to possibly my own statements!?

I don't think @DumboTeaser seems to have ever actually played a game of chess.....which is certainly odd, but maybe that person just likes to watch games. I've been to chess clubs where that is the case for some people who attend. In any case, I can see some validations to your suspicion.

As for, @WohEvvah I'm not sure what to make of that individual. I could see @WohEvvah and @DumboTeaser being the same person. I still say it would an odd thing for someone to do. It seems to be an immense waste of time!

Of course, perhaps posting anything on lichess could be seen as a waste of time by some people, .... maybe your suspicion should be at least looked into by some moderator just to make sure there's no different screen names from the same IP Address.

First of all, everyone knows what a Vice President does.....and if you DON'T, then you OBVIOUSLY belong on some checkers site debating with those brain-dead clusters of riffraff!!

Secondly, these political arguments do well to slightly change the minds of those position changes slightly each time someone adequately disposes of one of my more purely subjective frames of mind.

Again, if political debate is not something you can handle, then perhaps CHECKERS is your game!
I like your question Camilla.
I don't know what it means, but it feels right. Like pilots say of airplanes sometimes: If it looks good, it flies good.
Racing drivers lift when they take their foot off the gas.
sorry, what i meant to say was, "do you even lift, bro?" hope that clears up any misunderstanding.
Ah, the raw power of a well-wrought presentation! Flow charts rock so hard that there's no word for it.

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