
BUG: The reindexing missed games

There is a problem with reindexing. I came across several games which were left out when browsing Opening explorer.

Enter into the Opening Explorers this FEN
r1bq1rk1/ppp2p1p/3b2p1/4Q3/3p4/3B4/PPP3PP/RNB1R1K1 w - - 1 14

In this position only 14. Qe2 move is presented for the game
[White "the-prod"] - [Black "cleber_x"] [Date "2017.09.28"] index: AhaDaNZT

However, 14. Qg5 was played in
[White "keon5080"] - [Black "ramtel"] [Date "2021.06.09"] index : PlP8csWq

If you enter this FEN into the opening explorer this position will not be found.
r1bq1rk1/ppp2p1p/3b2p1/6Q1/3p4/3B4/PPP3PP/RNB1R1K1 b - - 2 14

It looks to me that DB has some dead branches. Since PlP8csWq game can be found but not directly via Explorer!

If you browse this particular game anything above move 14 was dropped from the Opening Explorer.

Settings: Time control - All
Average rating - All
Since January 2016
Until January 2022

Thank you for checking this out!
This is another position
r1bq1rk1/ppp2p1p/5bp1/4Q3/3p4/3B4/PPP3PP/RNB1R1K1 w - - 1 14
Two games are listed with (14. Qg2 and 14. Qg3 ) but there is nothing for
14. Qf4
that occurred in 2019, EHRAN (1500) - Danielsage (1519), 1-0, -, jEJk57mc
And another position:

r3k1r1/p1pqbp1p/2p4p/3p4/3Q4/5N1P/PPP2PP1/RN3RK1 w q - 0 14
Only game
dark_angel_rinat - Petrov_2004_Volod, 0-1, -, TB3PB4k0 is given with 14. Kh2
but not
14. Kh1c5 dariushed (2127) - volos65 (2044), 0-1, -, kNwyszWI, played in 2020

All these positions have one thing in common. Proper indexing stopped at move 14.

A coincidence?
There are probably hundreds of thousand missing games from explorer.

This is another hole

r1b2rk1/ppp2p1p/5b1p/8/2BqQ3/2N4P/PPP2PP1/R3R1K1 w - - 3 15

Two games are mentioned for this position.
But not
Capablanca707 - TheKingHerder, 1-0, -, TGQaRWQK (remove space after org./)

I hope the additional indexing can be done to patch this problem.

Any comment from devs would be appreciated!
This is more serious than one may think. Move 8!

r1b1kb1r/ppp2ppp/2nq4/8/2Bp2n1/N4N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQ1RK1 b kq - 1 8

Enter this in the explorer. 6 games will be given with 8... a6 move.

However, 8... Be7 was played in

Quijoteajedrecista (2453) - chickens0003 (2390), 1-0, -, 1gWvIkoc in 2020

Why so many games and moves are missing? Any explanation from any dev?

Thank you!
In July 2021 for this position
r1bq1rk1/ppp1bppp/2n1n3/4P3/1P1P4/3BQN2/P2N1PPP/R1B2RK1 b - - 0 13
the opening explorer was showing it as belonging to
thabogumpo (2243) - Telegin_Dmitriy22 (2106), 0-1, -, played in 2020
Now, it is just: "Not Game Found"

Something changed from July of last year.

The cited game exists. Just many positions from this game are not registered in the Explorer. Check move 10, or 12 or 15.

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