
life is sh?t

the biggest shitstories i ever heard about life

animals procreate to "pass on their genes" they dont give a shit about genes
i know that cuz couldn't care less about mine

art or sport or leading armies and countries makes you "immortal"
pathetic. the pyramid of cheops will be dust on a leaf in the blink of a geological eye and none of our names will be recalled then. and anyway, what good would that possibly do? total fake bogus that.
@WPhOZA9kB97Y7vNrpCkP , don't be offended, but your view on life is complete crap. If this is what you go around saying all day, I don't envy you. Besides, you are the one who makes your own life, so I guess you failed at that task. Just go have some fun man, and stop complaining to all of us people who enjoy life how crappy yours is... Use the time you're wasting to fix your life.
My philosophy is simple!Life is full of surprises so you just have to enjoy what you can and become the best you can at what ever you do!
ah shut up safecar, youll end up boring these people to death. looooove the thread by the way, simply marvellous
@Widower how bout "I serve my country"? love that one for infinite madness.
all that's keeping this thread from turning into sheer heaven is some nice music really
maybe baby herman can lead us to safety

im not sure thats a yes
Dats deep bro. Everyone thinks the same way you are thinking, at some point. I also feel ripped off that things have an end. If I'm watching a good series, I want it to have infinite episodes, a good book can make me sad for the sole reason that it ended. Don't wanna take this to the religious side but the best I can do really is try to believe in eternal life in the paradise. Because if I'm right, great, if I'm wrong then nothing, because I won't be there.
"i wish i was born a fly or a ant so i would get back to the starting line faster with no other outcome almost anyways."

Unless you believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, it's not a starting line, it's a finish line. We all die, so the journey we take on that path is what really matters.

The meaning of life is subjective, and sometimes it is hard to find what it means to you. Even if you can't or you're still convinced you have no meaning, you can always dedicate this 'worthless' life to others and try and leave the world a better place than it was when you entered it.

That in itself seems like a good reason to live.

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