

i was caught --- inadvertently -- using an engine in correspondence... i use opening explorer, which has a toggle for engines.. i hadn't noticed in one of my games it was toggled to on - this was in the first nine moves... which were pretty much book. so they say cheat detected... i lose...surprising, but ok, i guess... i apologize to the player ....they say they're cool... and i can't tell anything is 'up' with my account ... i do contact lichess about the matter... no response....

i was turned down a couple weeks ago for league play, (for correspondence long clock times), and that's when i knew something was clearly wrong. i emailed 9 days ago, but no response. so there's no way to remedy the problem. any suggestions? i like lichess, but do not appreciate being black balled over an inadvertent mistake, and with no way to contest the situation.

anyone who wants to bother to check my correspondence games will see there's no cheating..........jeezus.... here's how MY games ALL go: we take turns making occasional miscues....then one or both of us will make a couple blunders.... so far though, i usually win in the end... i'm a little over 2000 here. although on this site there's a dearth of highly ranked correspondence guys. i use books, videos, etc... ---- no engines. if i wanted to use engines, i hear the international correspondence site is the place to be.

would just like to clear this up, if possible. i could always just open another account --- but - i'm not sure it's worth it to me. mainly i think i'd like some answers.
You are not flagged as a cheater, if it's what you're asking.
TY, yeah...that's what i'm asking... the two correspondence leagues refused me entry into the league.... so - actually, re-reading the league rule, i guess i'm not labeled a cheater, but do have a cheat detected on one of my games.... so i guess that is the infraction, and it's not changeable, according to the league mods...

i guess i'll have to live with that, although i think it's high handed ---------- would've appreciated some response from lichess, though, about the matter......... had me in a tizzy.

wow, a smothered mate in the captcha..........too hard......
The opening explorer you're supposed to use for correspondence games is NOT the one in Tools->Opening explorer. It has links to games (many of which will have computer analysis in the notation) and, in endgame positions with 7 or fewer pieces on the board, will tell you how to play perfectly and what the result will be.

When in a correspondence game, click the microscope (analysis board) button above the notation. You'll get an analysis board with no possibility of even accidentally enabling the engine.
@RapidVariants TY.............i had not noticed that little guy................the scope...

jeezus, the captcha was a pawn move for mate...unfair.

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