
Analysis board badly needs export pgn.

I love studies, they are a fantastic and underrated feature of this website. Also, I appreciate that you are trying to give helpful information into this thread.
However, your post misses the point that studies are more geared towards situations where you are collaborating or when you have a good idea that you want to save some work. They are not meant to just have a quick look at every game you play after you're done.
The amount of extra steps involved would be enormous.
Click on address bar to select text.
Ctrl C
Ctrl Tab , to switch to study tab
Click on 'add a new chapter'
Click on "URL"
Click on "URL of Game" field
Ctrl V to paste url
Click on study settings icon
Click on delete study
Ctrl Tab, to get back to game tab.

That's a heck of a lot of extra steps to do for every game all of theme completely avoidable by just having an option to grab the pgn from the analysis board on the occasions you want it.

@President_DonaldDuck That only really takes like 25 seconds... And I have a study called 'My Best Caro Kann Games' with so far 15 chapters and I do those steps each time and analyze the bits afterwards.

I agree the lichess AB PGN system is a bit funky and fairly purposeless but if you just want to check something 1-2 moves quick then just use the AB, or if you want to do a lot of studying with someone else then use a study and the comment posting in the study. I don't really see anything too wrong with that. Hope this helps
@thibault Hi Thibault! Sorry but I have a question and I believe I can't make contact with you other than a forum message.

I'm wondering when the next Marathon will be- like- what month? Thanks in advance and Happy Checkmating
@President_DonaldDuck (#1)

Do some work on the board, then copy the PGN on the bottom of the page and save it somewhere - some people suggest a study, which is an interesting idea, but I like to save them in documents because I package them only to occasionally look at them. Maybe I can brush of the dust one day and teach someone how to look for tactics, and demonstrate with my own games.

If you just want an analysis, just turn on Stockfish in the board to look through. This way you can evaluate certain moves and lines. Then, look at which moves you like the most and then save a few PGNs to a document (much faster than making a study, and you can easily import the PGN to the analysis board).

That's all the advice I can give, good luck.
What you're describing is exactly what I'm asking to be able to do. As it is right now you can't do that. If you don't believe me, try it. As I pointed out before, and this is the whole point of my post, if you have done any work on the board it will NOT be put into the pgn. All's that you get from the pgn is the original game and nothing else.
I'm glad though that you agree with me that it would be nice to be able to do this and I hope that others see this thread and speak up because if enough people agree with us perhaps they will change it. It seems like an absolute no brainer to me.
Right now we have an analysis board that lets you explore different lines and that same analysis board has a pgn box. Yet, there is no way, none whatsoever, to get those different lines you explored into that pgn so you can save it do a document or to a study. I can't even begin to understand why this would be the case.
@President_DonaldDuck (#15)

There is this feature. Not on the board editor, but on the analysis board the PGN is saved. To test things with an already going-on game... you have to type out the PGN (since a GAME will not update PGN, but analysis will).


Try making a few moves, the PGN will update.

If it does not update, then it is not working correctly for you.
Oh yes, if you get to the analysis board like you're right it sure will. I'm talking about when you're using the analysis board to look at a game you've Just played. Ie when you get to the analysis board after you've just finished playing a game by clicking on the "analysis board" button. In that case the pgn does not change or update in any way no matter what you do.
I have to imagine that this is the main way the analysis board would be used. People would rather get there with one button click.
As opposed to copying the pgn of the game and then going to another tab and then open and then pasting in your pgn.
No question.
And you actually raised a good point that I didn't think of. The fact that the pgn is updated if you get to the analysis board through some other way than the button means that it's not only possible to do it that way but the bits of code needed to do so are already there. One can't even imagine why it isn't already implemented for the main use of the analysis board. It seems like it must be an oversight.
I don't know if this is directly related, but I am having trouble with exporting games as well, particularly when I want to export many games at once but not everything. Right now I am unable to take for instance all my games filtered for just 1 week and export them.
I can export all games of someone, but after filtering I can't make it work.

Maybe I just can't find the feature that does it?

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