
I call on Lichess to ban Russia in social protest.

To those saying that Russian people are to blame for supporting their president: Russian state TV once announced election results where the total sum was 146%. You see, it's that kind of democracy.
@InkyDarkBird said in #48:

> Just because people have reason doesn't mean they have power.

There is power in numbers and resolve.

> Just like the slaves, some Russian people might have a reason to fight, but they don't have the power to fight.

Navalny disagrees with you.
@mrjbones said in #52:
> There is power in numbers and resolve.
False. Guns, drones, missiles, and bombs heavily outweigh numbers.

> Navalny disagrees with you.
You think one person matters to me? Most of the people who have talked in this topic disagree with YOU.
@RickRenegade said in #50:
> @mrjbones
> My country has invaded nearly every country on the planet.

What's the relevance to current events? Is your country currently invading another?
Absolutely correct.
It (Russia on Ukraine) is complete fault of their government primarily their head, Putin.
In an article I saw that Russia wanted to build security system in Ukraine so they are going to Ukraine to do so. But it is completely baseless since that would not require such upheaval and tension arising between countries. If that was the case, it could have been done quietly on agreement with the two concerned countries. The article was probably held by some pro-Russian government member.

But Russia actually wants Ukraine just because long before Ukraine was part of then USSR. Russia regained some of its land during 2012-2014 period. And acquiring countries by such means and dictatorship is no sense. The country Ukraine is independent now.
Same thing happened with Afghanistan. Taliban came there and conquered land and made themselves supreme. No one could save Afghanistan and it hasn't been saved till now.
Also, common people has the highest power actually which many don't know. They have their right to take decisions and choose their leaders. Russia badly needs a good leader. I actually had praise for Putin before couple of years for his works but this thing is letting myself trusting in him down.
Currently, the major character in this case is Russian people. They can voice their thinking (those who think that the decision and happening is wrong) and it can really make a difference.
Plus, China on other hand is with Russia.
US doesn't want world war. India stands neutral (as of now). Don't know what other countries are thinking.
And what about UK? They belong to the strongest empire of the world of all time, British Empire. What are their views on this?
How can one keep quiet on such a matter.
Ukraine would suffer the same fate as Afghanistan if nothing is done.
And I can't see yet another (after Afghanistan) nation losing out.
Something needs to be done.
Mass movement was effective in old times it can be now as well.
I just wanna meet Putin and want to tell him all about this. I really don't care about my life. I care for future of people.
Wrong is always wrong.
lichess can't ban russians from the site. and that ^^^ isn't a good enough reason to do so

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