
Getting a network error all of a sudden. everything was just fine. websockets OK.

So right now i'm getting this network error, reconnecting.. thing.
i tried all browsers, all latest version. same problem. i restarted my pc and the router.. same thing.

i tested websockets with
test is good, i'm able to connect and send and receive packets.

oh forgot to mention that this is recent. i mean i never had this before and was able to play on the site just fine. and nothing has changed with my pc or my connection.. software or hardware wise..
Fairly sure we're being DOS'd by anonymous players seeking to play. There's someone, or some other site with a grudge out there.
Yes I have had similar issues since a week or so, also happening right now for me. I hope this will be resolved soon!
I've restarted the server. It's very weird because those games by anons should automatically expire, but they don't.

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