
Hey everyone!!!! Let's try and guess LGBTQAI, or Anup's, last name!!!!!

To: @AOOP09 -- LGBTQAI is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Tran-sexual, Queer, Artificial, & Intelligence

We are dealing with such a genius, in Anup, he has single handedly, in one keystroke, combined our world of sexuality, AI and technology, into one handle, playing at a regular, somewhat unsteady, +/- 2100 rating.

I'd love to know how many accumulated wins he has against arch rival, his chess nemesis, once known as ThaGreatSleepio, from his inception, as the ever lingering, just sleepio, now known as the Internet Chess playing bullet Legend, 2100+ (this is higher than +/- 2100), you guessed it people -- SalsPizzeria

On a side note, I think I had a 2454 rating on Chesscube, and the guy, by those three handles got 2458, if I remember it all correctly.

Three boisterous cheers for Salspizzeria ...


Hip, hip, hooray

Hip, hip, hooray

Hip, hip, hooray


So to answer your previous question, @AOOP09 AOOP09, that is what LGBTQAI? The answer is again:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Tran-sexual, Queer, Artificial, & Intelligence

Your welcome, my friend :)

*** So in conclusion everyone reading, the question is who are LGBTQAI and Salspizzeria not ***

Okay, back to the original topic, guessing, Anup's last name.

This is a mouthful but I think now ...


Indians can have long last names :)
First time, I came to know that if a cow is brown,It is indian
So basically if I saw a white cow,it must be foreign
And if you don't know, indians don't have names with underscores
Especially such 'creative' names
thats not even good
its racist and not even a good roast
shut up.
I hope 2021 slaps some sense into you

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