
stupid notes from lichess

i've gotten (not the first time!) notes like this: "you have lost a couple games after a few moves. Please note that you MUST try to win every rated game.
Losing rated games on purpose is called "sandbagging", and is not allowed on Lichess.

Thank you for your understanding."

this is complete nonsens and i feel personally insulted. i have a very old laptop and sometimes it doesn't work properly. i never lost a game knowingly (why should i? especially when i'm playing for my team...). and, if somebody would be able to think a little bit- u may check my games. most of the time i go on playing even if i'm one or two pieces down.
so, please, lichess- stop this idiotic notes!
thx, drunkensquirrel
It's because you're a drunken squirrel, they should note that too.
lol thats how i feel when I get spelling corrected.
ME: that makes no sense
person 1; senCe*
You received that warning 10 months ago, in June '21. It was due to you not moving in a Liga tournament in 3 games.
I don't see any follow up so should be fine now. However please note that any computer or connection problems that cause an involuntary loss is entirely responsibility of the player and not of the site.

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