
How Mac & Cheese lit my house on fire, and oh ye my neighbors too! :|

So well ye as the title says Mac & Cheese lit my house on fire, and oh ye my neighbors too! :| 100% True! So I came home from skool and I wuz hungry so I got one of dem mac and cheese cups and put it in da microwave. I accidently pressed the zero 3 times instead of twice. So the microwave said 30:00 min instead of 3:00 min also I forgot to add water tho. I went and started watching t.v and procrastinating my hw ;) Boom I go into the kitchen and its full of smoke, and fire :( I can't put it out at all. My parents come out and by that time im covered in smoke, the microwave and wooden cabinets r on fire. Soon the walls r on fire OMG imma b in so much trouble. 911 gets called. Firefighters, police, and the whole neighbors comes. The house is on fire,a nd the fire is spreading onto the grass outside. OMG my neighbors r sooooo Stoopid they were literally on their porch when their house caught on fire. They were literally looking over our house ( they on a hill) SMH Their house catches on fire and OMG I'm so scared. So in the end the fire gets put out the neighbors come talk to me and then my parents. They all like oh its totally fine i understand it was an accident. Their house was just built it costed a lot cuz it had high end appliances and stuff. ya know in movies, and books and stuff where the parents are like oh my god i dont care about the blah blah car, house, phone what ev as long as ur safe im happy. I soooo glad my baby is safe. Ye that did not happend :( Lesson to be learn DON'T BUY MAC & CHEESE CUPS!!!!!!!

I in a hotel rn!!!!!! I got a tv, mini fridge, phone, Balcony, and a big bed in my room :)

This is not the first time I've set things on fire in my house. Around christmas we had a bunch of candles on the table and i was lighting one over my lap and well my hand slipped and the candle fell on me im an idiot ik. I jump up knocking over a bunch of the over candles lighting the napkins, table, and other stuff on fire. We got that one under control luckily. At least i already got my christmas presents ;) Let me just say the turkey's not the only thing that got burnt that year.
I agree
Next time ask your parents maybe
Mac and cheese lit your neighbors on fire?
That’s some spicy queso!
add water to the M&C next time

it should fix everything
1. Y'all have Mac&Cheese?
2. My parents would delete my existence if I even cause a small 2-second fire
3. So, how destroyed is your house?
4. Why the hell are you posting this on Lichess?
Can we appreciate how many times he said OMG to make it seem real(ly fake)?
wisely done incognito , at no point in your time of living with our parents will you ever be trusted with kitchen work , this means you escape loads of household chores , although when you move out you will need a place lined with asbestos

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