
things is better at

@tixem75 said in #1:
> So here are some things is better at then lichess
> - Better teaching of chess
> - Better puzzles and tactical training
> - Useful articles on dashboard for beginners
> - 4 players chess
> - More variants
> - Multiple premoves
> - Better detection of cheating ( There was a cheater in lichess who had 2700+ rating and lichess never detected it until he posted on forum saying he was a grandmaster and countinuesly spammed to give him GM title and then he was asked for proof which he never did later closed his account after getting flagged)
> - forums are more active
> - I think analysis is kind of more detailed, like missed wins, book move etc
> - Good source of chess news

Excuse me 7 year old?
what i do like about that i haven't seen here is

1. more variants
2. 4 player chess which falls into the above category.

that's pretty much all they are good at, except they let you make multiple accounts for speedrunning and blindfold and such.
in post 12 , a small obstacle , pointed to the lack of vote chess at lichess , this isnt the case ,
there is vc but it isnt an official thing , its done by lichess members independently using the tools at hand , here is a link to said vc

i will say its format lacks what cc do , but from small acorns oak trees grow
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