
Is it a bug? Very strange evaluations and suggestions

Please see the

1. The engine suggests 22. ... Rh1+. What is the purpose of this sacrifice? Which way is it better 22. ... Rf7 ?
2. After suggested 22. ... Rh1+ and mine 23. Kxh1 (against proposed 23. Kg3) the engine evaluates the position as draw (0.0), but I am a knight ahead.
3. More than that after suggested 23. ... Rf7 (forced to defend from mate) and 24. Nxf7 Kxf7, I am already a knight and a rook ahead and evaluation is still draw (0.0)? Which way is it draw? I can easily win this for white even by primitive and stupid exchange rook and queen for blacks queen, block all pawns and harvest my crop by the knight.

What do I miss here?
I guess nobody can help you with this as your comments don't match the suggestions given in the analysis. Do you refer to another analysis or a different game altogether?

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