
Head to head score is sometimes not shown


while playing a match on Lichess, you can as usual see your head to head score against your oponent under the chessboard.

But on my Laptop, sometimes (mostly, if there are no previous matches against my oponent and the score is therefore 0:0) there is no head to head score shown and I have to reload the page in order to see it.
(After reloading the page, the score is always shown, even if it is 0:0.)

I think, to reload the page decreases the completed-match-ratio ("Anteil beendeter Spiele" in German) on your profile. (Otherwise, I can't explain, why my ratio is less than 100% from time to time.)

Is there a solution for that? Thank you!
Getting the crosstable sometimes takes a little long so to not slow down page load too much, it gets omitted if it takes too long.

Reloading the page does not affect your game completion rate. The game completion rate gets calculated over your last 20 games, but I'm also unsure which game caused your current 97%...
Thanks for your answer.
I still don't know, why my game completion rate is sometimes less than 100 %, but the crosstable is now always visible.
I think, it was fixed in the last 24 hours.

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