
I maked Bersek but i dont become 3 points

<Comment deleted by user>
aight, grammar time!!
1) it is made, not maked
2) you don't "become" three points, you get three points
3) it is not soory it is sorry. ( or so sorry, whatever)
@infinite2009 said in #6:
> aight, grammar time!!
> 1) it is made, not maked
> 2) you don't "become" three points, you get three points
> 3) it is not soory it is sorry. ( or so sorry, whatever)
Your grammar is also wrong aight?
@infinite2009 said in #6:
> aight<-- (No capital letter and spelled 'alright' wrongly), grammar time!!<--(Why is there 2 exclamation mark?)
> 1) it is made, not maked<--(No full stop and capital letter.)
> 2) you don't "become" three points, you get three points<--(Again no capital letter.)
> 3) it is not soory it is sorry. ( or so sorry, whatever)<--(What do YOU think about English mistake?)
Look I have made correction for you
Type it 3 times(jk)

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