
New feature: takeback

Hi there, I've just added the long-awaited takeback feature.

You can know propose to your opponent to take a move back. If he accepts, the last move is undone.
You can do it several times to take back several moves.

You can use it in both casual and rated games.
You can use it against the AI, too.

There may be bugs, thanks to report them here
thibault = machine
Long awaited takeback feature? I would never ask for a take back...nor will i give needs to live with their moves..its the only way to learn. if your error costs you the game...resign and
play another game!
There's also the possibility of accidental missclicks. The feature isn't intended to undo bad moves.
Chessparov is absolutely correct. Thanks, thibault. Feedback has never been taken into account as quickly as this. It's obviously great.
I don't know if this is a bug or if it's a bug caused by the addition of the take back button, but once I start a game with Craty A.I. one spectator is detected as viewing. I've tested this on many
occasions on different difficulty levels and it still remains.
It's a bug coming from unrelated changes I made today. It's fixed now.
I tried to castle against the computer, but it wouldn't let me. And that's when the take back button wouldn't work.
will time be restored for a takeback?

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