
Why is H!tler censored?

@ToughCookie68 said in #41:
> bro i didnt even learn abt reagen yet in school :D
Oh okay

Well he dropped the tax rate on the ultra rich in the country super low, and invented "trickle down economics"

He increased military spending a ton

he intensified the drug war and put millions of people in prison

he gave saddam hussein weapons, but also Iran weapons - which he illegally and covertly sold to fund the authoritarian contras in nicaragua

the rebels the US funded under his reign in afganistan went on to become the Taliban (and we all know how that goes)

he was a big supporter of apartheid south africa

his administration had 138 officials arrested for corruption but many of them pardoned by the next republican president

he started the 'trump-esque' repetition of lies even after they were called out

>He told stories about having been a U.S. Army photographer assigned to film Nazi death camps. Reagan never visited or filmed any such camps.

>He often told a story about a “Chicago Welfare Queen” who had 80 aliases and gotten $150,000 in welfare. She never existed but investigators did find one woman who had two aliases and received $8,000. Still, Reagan continued to tell the false version of the story.

>He claimed that trees create more pollution than automobiles, an absurdly untrue statement that he literally pulled out of thin air.

When the budget deficit tripled - he took hundreds of billions of dollars from the social security fund - and they've never been paid back
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> Hitler! Stalin! Mao! Pol Pot! Pasha! Lenin! Chiang Kai-Shek! Micombero! Hussein! Mswati III! Tojo! Il Sung! Videla! Sindikubwabo! Moussilini! Franco!
> There has to be more 20th century maniacs to chant out there
And 21st century
Netanyahu, Putin ,soon to be Trump
@Oportunist said in #35:
> anti semitism is no longer a big problem in europe and america in my opinion,islamaphobia seems to be the new trend of hate in europe and america.i have met many racist americans who dont have bad thoughts abaut jewish people,there are a lot of pro jewish europeans who hate muslim immigrants and refugees also,back then when hitler was alive,many people thought it is normal and ok to hate jews and that jews were bad,nowadays they just dont see it but their hate against muslim imigrants is very similar,as long as you are ok with jewish people,they think its very normal to be racist against muslims

Antisemitism is a huge problem still, I've gotten in physical fights, lost friends, almost ended up in a knife fight, been evicted from where I lived all on account of being Jewish... Had to listen to friends who didn't know, talk on length about their hateful views of Jews. Obviously to you the bigger issue is muslims, but don't discount something else you don't personally experience, it is bad for both.

Just witness how all of the 'jews rule the world' conspiracy theories and the even worse - all the way up to good ol' blood libel, jews control hollywood to make us gay, jews are trying to kill all of the goys on the planet with bio weapons.... etc... come out of the woodwork as soon as Israel does something bad. Seems christians and muslims don't have the curse of having to apparently take full responsibility for whatever some random christian or muslim country does - but Jews that have nothing to do with Israel are frequently correlated with it.
@twighead said in #45:
> Antisemitism is a huge problem still, I've gotten in physical fights, lost friends, almost ended up in a knife fight, been evicted from where I lived all on account of being Jewish... Had to listen to friends who didn't know, talk on length about their hateful views of Jews. Obviously to you the bigger issue is muslims, but don't discount something else you don't personally experience, it is bad for both.
> Just witness how all of the 'jews rule the world' conspiracy theories and the even worse - all the way up to good ol' blood libel, jews control hollywood to make us gay, jews are trying to kill all of the goys on the planet with bio weapons.... etc... come out of the woodwork as soon as Israel does something bad. Seems christians and muslims don't have the curse of having to apparently take full responsibility for whatever some random christian or muslim country does - but Jews that have nothing to do with Israel are frequently correlated with it.

There is anti semitism still but it is not as bad as it used to,its not the trend hate anymore,i tryed to point out that islamaphobia has become the trend hate now, antisemitism is seen as a bad thing right now,the common majority people no longer have crazy ideas abaut jewish people ,today extreme groups of people(like neo nazis,kkk) hate jewish people,back than when hitlers time it was a normal thing to hate jews,and the hate was much more popular,today muslim hate has become very popular and people that dont think they are racist think it is ok to hate muslims just like it was very considered normal and popular to hate jewish people in early 1900s,thats what i tryed to point out,im sorry abaut all the bad things you have gone thru,my intention was point out islamaphobia
@AKnackForHunting_101 said in #1:
> I dunna why is the word censored? And H!tlers party? Don't get it. He already died right? Why still?
I don't understand. Are we talking about Adolf Hitler of about @hitler ?
@iris_mex said in #47:
> I don't understand. Are we talking about Adolf Hitler of about @hitler ?
I suppose the majority is talking about Adolf Hitler.
@WassimBerbar said in #48:
> I suppose the majority is talking about Adolf Hitler.
Ah right. Funny cause I'm currently studying WWII.

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