
Second time I've gotten a "Draw" when......

No one has proposed a draw, is this a bug?

I've had two cocurrent correspondence games end in draws after a certain number of moves, when neither player has clicked on the "offer draw" this a server side bug?

any help o info would be great, thanks in advance!

White offers draw
Draw offer accepted
actually after looking at your games it turns out you clicked the offer draw button as tpr stated. the handshake icon is the offer draw button
No,, I know which button it is, my browser wasn't even open when the offers were sent, I've spoken to one of the players in RL, he didn't send nor accept, same on my end....the server has a ghost :(

Could it be something in my preferences option? I'll check....

edit: I have switched, "Claim draw after three fold repetition" to off, maybe this helps?
Claim after 3 fold repetition has nothing to do with it.
Both games state white (you) offered draw and black accepted.
It must be that you "accidently" pushed the draw offer button in both games and your opponents "accidently" accepted.
You can switch on "confirm resignation and draw offer" in your setting.
The first time it was on my android, I asked my brother who was the opponent he said no, he did not receive the offer. The second time I had multiple browsers up (laptop) and Lichess wasn't the page I was looking at, and I heard the voice prompt say, "It's a draw"

I'll change my password

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